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Photo by Philip Ackermann on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The Unprofessional Athlete

Getting back in shape after baby number 2 is SO not going the way I imagined.

Photo by Barthy Bonhomme on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The Cactus Cast – Episode 001

Good Enough is Good Enough!

Photo by Daria Obymaha on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

On Motherhood

I was upstairs in the middle of new client training when I heard a frantic, “Babe! Baaaabe! Help! I need your help!”  I went flying down the stairs, expecting to see that my children were under attack by a swarm of bees… or something equally dramatic. Instead I saw MisterE frozen above our son, who…

Photo by Min An on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Making Time for Love

These days, “madhouse” is a pretty safe way to describe our #CactusLife.  When Hurricane was born, life was normal. I mean, Houston was still recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey and I was commuting 3 hours each day for work, but basically normal. Everybody was onboard to care for our long awaited newborn. …

Photo by Pixabay on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Challenge: Start Something New

Welcome to the PaperDiem Blog! Thanks for stopping by.  I am, at long last, launching the blog I swore I would start twelve years ago. I kept holding back, thinking, “No one wants to hear about this.”  But the thing is: life continues to happen (hooray), and I rather enjoy my life, so I’ve decided…